23 Sep Story And How Lipstick Leaves A Trail.
"Today, the beauty experts behind the industry's best-selling lip colours are also skilled storytellers.
They dis-till a world of intent into a single word or phrase." - Beauty Magazine.
Not so much a choice of colour then, as a statement of who I am.
Whether beauty products, charitable efforts, finance, or even religion, the power of words and that of story is everywhere.
That world of intent though, need not be distilled into a single word or glib phrase.
It can be emotional prose that rips at the very heart of the reader. Phrase after phrase that breaks down the most obdurate sceptic.
Or, a belief that simply says: This is who I am. I hope you like me.
"The art of storytelling is incredibly important. Learning to tell a story is critically important because that's how the money works. The money always flows as a function of the story." Don Valentine, Sequoia Capital.
If storytelling is so critically important, why then aren't estate agencies using it more?
That's how the money flows, after all.
My guess is that they're afraid.
Afraid of being different.
Afraid of standing out.
And so they exist in a world of endless comparisons.
Ever more striving to prove themselves better.
Instead of proving themselves different.
Blending in. Instead of standing out.
Story, when used properly, will make a difference.
It will attract those that we want to work with. Those that feel affinity with our story.
But here's the hard part. The marmite moment.
It will deter those we shouldn't want to work with.
The $64,000 question.
Does your agency want to be everything to everybody? Anybody with a warm pulse?
Is it capable of saying No to a potential client?
Mediocre is still an option, last time I checked.
There's so much to share with your story.
Who are you?
What makes you unique?
What's your origin story?
What is your vision?
What really makes you different?
From where does your sense of pride emanate?
How can you prove that?
It's not about how visible you can become. It's not about the number of tweets and social media 'likes'.
It's not about a Free Valuation, or a cheaper fee.
Or how big your agency is and how passionate they are.
It's about having a conversation. One that makes the reader feel something.
Only then will your agency become the agency it could have been.
If lipstick feels the need to tell their story and connect in the world of F.M.C.G, how much more important is it to tell the story that represents you and everything you believe.
Tell the story that none of your competitors can tell.
And if you're not sure of where to start, there's a contact form on our website at www.andsothestorybegan.co.uk
Plenty of information to get you started once you hit the send button.
Lipstick leaves a trail.
It makes it easier for vendors to find only you.
As always, thanks for reading.
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