21 Oct Sell Them Something That They Want To Buy.
Sell them something that they want to buy.
30 seconds that you will never get back.
You've probably seen the T.V ads. A mass market medium.
For estate agencies that can't think for themselves.
I know, I know. The average attention span is now around 8 seconds (Microsoft Study).
So, unless these T.V ads from the likes of PurpleBricks, Emoov and YOPA get straight to the point.
There goes another. And another.
"Wait. Don't go. We have something interesting to say."
"We're creating a movement."
"We don't charge you a commission.
" Seriously, why not?"
That's it?
The most interesting thing they have to say?
Apart from the Fixed-Fee, No-Fee, No-Commission manipulation?
Or the fact that these 'media tarts' aren't interested in sharing anything useful about themselves.
Brand-awareness, that's their aim.
And, as a side-dish, confusion.
The confusion playbook.
If you can't persuade them, confuse them.
Tell them you're just the same, if not better.
Tell them you're cheaper. What's not to like.
Just don't tell them anything that can be disproved.
And tell them often.
Wash, rinse and repeat.
End result?
The commoditisation of estate agency. The bar, set so low, that it's a surprise any vendor bothers to pick up the phone.
Vendors that don't need to know anything. Other than the name on the tin.
The problem for traditional high-street agencies is that their competitors have over-stuffed pockets of other people's money.
To further spread the confusion among homeowners.
What are you going to do about it? That's the question.
Well, the answer should be:
"We're selling vendors something they want to buy."
Instead of something we want to sell them.
The $64,000 question.
What do vendors want to buy?
If you listen to the T.V ads, the 'faux-disruptors' believe that to be a cheaper, better service.
One out of two, on that score.
They've got cheaper covered. For now.
So, what do vendors want to buy?
I hope and pray that you haven't gone with the better service option.
You have?
That's so hard to prove. Until you actually provide it. Even then.
Vendors don't know what constitutes good, or great service.
They're either happy, or not.
And every one of your competitors without exception, truly believes they provide a better service.
So, the question again.
What do vendors want to buy?
Not a better service.
They want to buy YOU.
Or more specifically, your character.
They expect great service. They expect an accurate valuation. They expect to pay more than they would like for that.
But your character?
That's the differentiator.
That's what vendors are buying.
Instead of fitting-in, as most estate agencies do.
You need to stand-out.
For what you believe. For your convictions and your values.
Vendors aren't buying your services. They're buying your character.
They're looking for clues.
Hints that you give them in your vocal tones.
In the stance you take on irrelevant subjects.
How you articulate and enunciate.
The congruent way in which you always deliver what you said you would.
They're looking for an estate agent just like you.
And it's important that they know you. When they see you.
Not some look-alike chancer. Calling themselves the 'local property expert'.
But the real you.
Authentic, transparent and human.
The best way to share who you are is with your story.
Story is everywhere.
Everybody uses it to make a point. Usually in a sales pitch.
Few, however, use it to connect.
To become vulnerable.
To understand and to empathise.
But if you're going to sell vendors what it is they want to buy, your story is essential.
A simple origin story. Where you were. How you arrived here. Why it made you who you are.
Before you meet them. So they have time to take it in.
Either on a blog, podcast or video.
And when you are compared to those 30 second T.V ads. As you will be.
The trail you leave behind will be easy to follow.
This is who I am. This is what I believe.
Not everyone is going to like your view of the world.
That's O.K.
Because unlike most estate agencies, you're not trying to be everything to everybody.
You're trying to be truly different.
Unique, in fact.
So that you and your agency don't compete with those agencies that think they can buy the vendor.
It works the other way around.
It's always been done the way that you, and most other agencies, are doing it right now.
Advertising. Social media. Leaflets. Door-knocking. Cold-calling.
All capable of delivering results.
But utterly incapable of forging meaningful relationships.
Among your local community.
Relationships, where vendors won't even consider another agency, when the time comes to sell their home.
Because they bought your story and your character, a long time ago.
Thanks, as always, for reading.
Check out www.andsothestorybegan.co.uk if you'd like to learn more.
And, if you'd like to chat, mob: 07369251435 will reach me.
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