13 Nov An Estate Agent Who Loves Being Heard
An estate agent who loves being heard.
Estate agency is full of people who want to be heard. Always was that way. Always will be.
But how many are actually saying something?
Who is creating stuff worthy of our time?
And more importantly, who is creating content specifically for me?
I don't want to listen to some generic waffle. Designed to appeal to the widest possible audience.
I'm not a fan of mass marketing.
I prefer a careful, considered and relevant message.
I get it. Your agency needs attention.
More page views. More click throughs. More downloads.
Distributing your 'message' to anyone with ears to hear. And eyes to see.
Just in case.
And there's plenty of people and businesses that are more than happy to relieve you of a few quid to provide you with some 'attention.'

jon-tyson on Unsplash
But the sound of your own voice is only ever worthwhile. When you actually have something interesting to say.
That's when the right people tune in.
Certain estate agency trainers who really do love the sound of their own voice would have you believe that further education is that something of interest.
Making you a better estate agent. And, once your credit card details are on file.
The world's your oyster.
A deep dive into that education, however, puts you onto the road travelled by most every other estate agency.
At some time, or other.
A focus on what you have to offer.
Just a little, little, little bit better than everyone else.
If you follow that path. And stay on it.
End result?
A polished, updated version of the very thing that most consumers dislike.
Still an estate agent.
Still hustling.
Only more confident in your ability to do those things.
So stop with the cold-calls. The scripts that overcome objections.
Stop with the click-bait pricing. The templates.
With the carpool karaoke and with the social media pretence.
An end to the pestering of vendors to sell in November, when what they really want is to sell next January.
It's self-centred and what's worse.
It doesn't become you.
If you do love the sound of your own voice, here's what does interest the people looking for someone like you.
They want to know what you believe.
What matters to you.
And whether there is affinity.
They've assumed, rightly or wrongly, that you know how to do the job.
So, average days on the market, % of asking price achieved for similar homes and ratio of agreed offers to completion?
Not really that interested.
Advertising on all the major portals and a strong active database of registered buyers?
Your expertise to predict a property market crash, or boom?
Seen as manipulation for your own ends,
What you believe and what matters to you.
That's what matters to them.
So they can form an opinion as to whether they want to hear your voice.
Or whether you sound just like every other estate agent.
This narrative has to be Personal.
This is who I am.
This is what I believe.
These are the things that matter.
To me.
Everyone has it within them to share this. The question is whether you have the courage.
"If you have something that you want to share with the world. A story, a message, a mission, then that's not marketing.
That's art. That's expression. That's feeling and emotion and tone and style." - Nicolas Cole
Very, very few estate agents in the U.K have that courage.
Which is why very, very few homeowners know, like and trust an estate agent.
You love the sound of your own voice.
It's not rocket science
Talk about yourself.
Talk about your life. About your family.
Talk about the world around you.
Talk about your aspirations and fears.
Talk about the simple things in life.
Just don't talk about how you're agency is better.
Someone that I follow on Medium, Jon Westenberg, writes about his love of a simple notebook.

aaron-burden on Unsplash
"I rely on a notebook to be a record of my life. I have hundreds of them piled up and stored up, as a testament to every fuck-up, every win and every moment of misery, joy or desperation that I have ever experienced."
Yeah, me too.
The more I read, listen or watch. The stronger the bond.
Until no matter which estate agency comes along. No matter what deals they offer.
That knowing, liking and trusting has turned into loyalty.
The Holy Grail for estate agents.
Loving the sound of your own voice isn't a negative.
It's just a waste when it makes me feel - Nothing.
If you do love the sound of your own voice, but can't decide what's important, pick up the phone and let's hear from you.
Mob: 07369251435 will reach me.
Or email: chris@andsothestorybegan.co.uk
Thanks, as always, for reading.
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