25 Dec Personal Brand Isn’t This.
Personal Brand Isn't This.
The podcast episode from Micheal Moore, featuring Robert De Niro.
Actor, Robert De Niro, has said he'd like to see President Donald Trump "hit in the face with a bag of s**t. Hit him right in the face like that and let the picture go all over the world. And that would be the most humiliating thing because he needs to be humiliated."
Here in the U.K, grime artist Stormzy together with former boy-band member of One Direction, Harry Styles, urged the audience to F**k the government, F**k Boris."
Very classy.
Aside from the fact that all three have films or new music releases to promote and that such controversy usually gets attention, all three seem incapable of getting that attention from the quality and inspiration of their work. Preferring instead to rely on sensationalism, in exchange for column inches, to make up for their shortcomings.
No matter these posts might accrue a thousand likes. That these three celebrities have a million followers on social media.
They will be judged by the words that come out of their mouths.
Those of a like-mind will applaud their ingenuous spirit.
For many, they will appear fifty shades of dim.
Estate agency is no different.
Like children fighting in the school playground, dissing a competitor, whether in print, or in person, comes as second nature.
"Too expensive - we're better value."
"Too small a team - we have ten offices."
"Not local enough - we're the experts in this town."
"We sell more homes - for a higher fee and more quickly."
"Online? - Not enough market share."
The bare bones of transactional estate agency.
Agents that still State and Prove their worth.
There's a misconception in estate agency, however, that personal brand is aligned with that same celebrity status enjoyed by De Niro and Stormzy.
Plenty to say. Plenty of column inches. Plenty of forthright views on how other agencies are coping.
"Purple Dicks" - as the Tom Ferry's of this world have said.
That's not personal brand.
Not information and not even news.
That's just commentary.
Personal brand is turning the spotlight on self - not on others.
This is who I am. This is what I value. These are my incontrovertible truths.
For that, people will admire. Admire your honesty and your courage.
Turn the spotlight on others, however, and your cowardice and lack of full context will portray you as an opinionated fraud.
Except to others that think that way.
Like them, or loathe them, Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are doing their best. Despite the haters and malcontents. Disagree as you might, they aren't going to change just because of your social disapproval.
Have the Robert De Niro's of this world nothing better to occupy their time?
Doing, or saying something that might actually contribute to society.
"How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct." - Benjamin Disraeli
Personal brand isn't this.
And for estate agents and realtors, it's the road to perdition.
Can't take it back. Vendors have judged and found you guilty.
An agent that finds it easier to be a critic.
It's not a label that attracts.
Far better to criticize oneself; to admit the past mistakes, or to own up to being something that you're not.
Than attempt to diminish others.
Thanks as always for reading.
Happy to help with any questions you might have on personal brand. My advice is always free.
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