07 Nov Why Not Just Be Different?
Why Not Just Be Different?
There's massage and there's massage,
One day it ticked all the the boxes for Click Funnels' founder, Russell Brunson.
The previous day had proven a disaster.
"When I got to the massage room, it was a different massage therapist...And one of the best massages I EVER had! AMAZING. And I started thinking about the difference between someone who was 'average' at what they do...and someone who was EXTRAORDINARY..an ARTIST..the BEST at what they do.
So my question for you is: "Do you want to be just 'average' or do you want to be THE BEST at what you do?"
Here's my answer to that question, Russell:
Let's, though, dissect the question.
"Average" in this context is a very subjective noun.
Mathematically, determining an average is easy.
Applied to massage therapists, or estate agents, it becomes simply a review.
Not the best and not the worst. Mediocre, one might say.
Does anyone choose to be 'mediocre'.
Hardly. But that's what some end up being labelled.
It might be a consequence of competence or attitude.
It might also be a result of that therapist, or realtor, not being a good fit for the other person.
There's no clue as to why Russell felt one massage far superior to another.
Just a comparison.
And that comparison is precisely what you get when you choose to be 'better'. When you want to be "the best at what you do."
Choose instead to be the best that you can be. There's a big difference.
One competes with every other.
Instead of competing with oneself.
And just to be pedantic.
If one uses the word "want", as in "Do You Want To Be The Best", that is a statement of lack.
Your thought about something is creative and your word is productive. Combine the two and you create the reality.
Thus, I want something - creates that reality. The reality of want.
It's a perspective many find trivial, but the constant desire of wanting something, will always create that reality.
Choose to be, rather than want to be!
That aside, "the best" is purely temporary. And only meaningful if others, more, or less accomplished, choose to compete within the 'rules'.
Estate agency has been brainwashed with the idea of being 'better'. Of winning awards. Of crushing it.
Some the fault of insecure individuals that believe success is measured with bank balances.
Others, by those who should know how these things work.
Either way, competition is for........
The alternative?
There is one.
It's called being DIFFERENT.
Where there is no competition.
Not 'different' - disguised as 'better'.
As in, "what makes your real estate brokerage better?"
"We are passionate about customer service."
If that's your stock answer, you don't understand the value of being truly different.
Different is something that can't be replicated.
Leading - edge technology, great customer service, strong brand awareness - they can all be replicated.
They all rely on being 'better'.
With different, your estate agency doesn't compete.
It offers a choice to vendors/landlords.
A choice that is black or white.
Choose us. Or not!
But we won't be compared to other agencies.
There's really only one thing that makes agencies stand out.
Possibly two.
One is the people - who they are, what they believe, what matters most.
The other is the culture.
The values and beliefs that create a strong bond of like-minded agents.
Keller Williams has a distinct culture. Distinct enough that I would rather give away my home for free than use their services. But they do appeal to many.
The greedy. The naive. The impressionable.
That's just not me!
What they, along with many agents, don't have is transparency.
When we talk about standing out, it's not as a result of competence. There are literally hundreds of thousands of competent realtors out there. None of whom stand out for the right reasons. All of whom compete.
It's not about being the most visible. Of having a moustache, a beard, or a glitzy lifestyle. Social media intoxication will only get an agent so far.
It's about being trusted.
And transparency is fundamental to that trust.
When agents enjoy the trust of vendors/landlords, it's not because they are "the best at what they do."
It's pure and simple because they are a good fit.
The first massage therapist wasn't right for Russell. Even though she was probably doing her job - the best that she could be.
She might have been 'perfect' for someone else. If she had chosen to compete!
But since competition is for losers.....
She probably thought: "Why Not Just Be Different."
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