19 Dec Remarkable – How Brave Are You?
Remarkable - How Brave Are You?
Hi, I'm Chris. I have a quick question for you. How brave are you?
Because it's not for everyone , this being remarkable.
It requires courage to be transparent, but on the flip side with that transparency eventually comes trust.
If you're someone that prefers the anonymity of a corporate brand to hide behind, or believes that your goal is to be "better than" the competition, to hustle your worth and 10X productivity - this is not for you, my friend.
The purgatory of endless comparison and rejection awaits you.
You have to embrace "different from" - remarkably different, if you can manage it.
It's not simply a game, either, of vanity or popularity. Micro-celebrity is everywhere one looks on social media.
The millions of followers and 'likes', all weaving glitter and glamour into everyday life. That's for kids - let them have their 'toys' and 15 minutes of fame whilst it lasts.
It's not authentic and people don't seek celebrity, they're after something else entirely.
To know WHO is behind the brand and what it is they value. Can there be trust?
If you don't YET have a Personal Brand, within a year, very few will do business with you. The race-to-the-bottom on fees is nearly run. Secondary, or tertiary, won't serve you well.
Whilst you might sell a commodity, you are unique as a company and certainly as a person.
That uniqueness is worth paying for!
The higher the requirement for trust, the more important it is to have that established personal brand.
There's no time like the present to build it. In a commodity sector, if you're doing what everyone else is doing, if you're part of the common, it's not a strategy that will move you forward.
Different sets you apart. Different sparks attention.
You've likely been told that Facebook ads, Google Ad-words and a shiny new website will bring you plenty of new clients - were it so simple.
Your message has to be crystal-clear and concise. Any message that talks about the competence of your firm, how long it has been established, the dedication to customer service and the experience of the partners is no different to most of your competitors. And, for good measure, incredibly boring!
Remarkable is your only option - and with it comes a client that knows WHO you are before you ever speak. A client that hasn't considered any other option. They want only YOU.
If this has sparked curiosity, reach out and let's discover whether you have what it takes? Whether we are a good fit?
Here's how to reach me:
mob: (44) 07369251435
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