24 Oct Those That Matter Don’t Mind.
Those That Matter, Don't Mind.
And those that mind, don't matter.
Wisdom from Dr. Suess, of course.
It's something I've always lived by. A small circle of close friends - with whom my core values find affinity and theirs with me.
Candour - one of my five core values.
I just can't help myself.
Not for me hiding behind the 'mask' we all wear to protect ourselves. One that enables us to fit in. Afraid that others might not like what they hear, see, or read. People-pleasers.
I've never been one to fit in. Or to follow the received wisdom of others. No matter how successful they say they are.
I did it my way - without so much as a nod of recognition to Old Blue-Eyes.
Regrets, I've had a few but then again, too many to mention.
I decided long ago that I'm far from perfect but telling others my opinion, without the sugar coating, comes as a strength in any SWOT analysis.
Their response tells me everything I need to know
I can handle the criticism. I just can't handle the half-truth.
I'm never sure which half I'm being fed.
There are some that prefer to bask in the glow of faint praise and encouragement. Like puppies that sit obediently waiting for a sign.
"I'm delighted to announce that we have been short-listed for the ESTAS Awards." Whoo-hoo!
Or, the box of chocolates from some grateful client that the agent couldn't wait to photo-shoot and share with the world.
I have no hesitation in showering those deserving of it with praise.
It's not, as a former client imagined, that I continually post negative comments - I simply have a lower tolerance to mediocrity. A camp they fell into once we got past the first month pleasantries. We just kind of wasted each others precious time.
"Don't ask me what I think of you - I might not give you the answer that you want me to."
( Lyrics courtesy of Led Zeppelin.)
Ask me a question and you will get a straight answer.
It will be either a conviction, a belief or an opinion.
I'm convinced that uninvited door-knocking by estate agents & realtors is an impertinence. One that those who persist, in this form of public begging, fail to appreciate damages their reputation. Along with an entire industry.
Carry on interrupting complete strangers for your own ends - we can talk but we can never be close.
I believe that agents should ignore competition. It invites a comparison from the very people, potential clients, unqualified to compare their competence.
I can help them be different from the common and to stand out. We might eventually become close but I'm not holding my breath. Too many "trainers" and bosses enrich themselves from agents by encouraging competition
It's my opinion that estate agency/real estate is stuck in the past. Doing what has always been done. Making incremental improvements to a broken system. Chasing after the next 'shiny object'. Focusing on transaction rather than relationship. Sharing information they mistakenly believe positions them as an 'expert'. Those that live in the past will simply have to react to changes in the future. Missing a golden opportunity to create their future.
I very rarely comment on topics where my knowledge is limited, or ones I find tedious. I prefer to keep quiet.
Marketing, specifically for agencies, is my domain. I am worthy of my seat at the table, with perhaps the exception of digital marketing. I don't know enough to even have an opinion.
But I do know enough to rail against meaningless surveys, data-driven strategy and best-practice templates that lead an agent, naively, down roads that have long since been by-passed. I'm for the road less-travelled.
Candour allows me to "shun the non-believers." The tyre-kickers and the lazy-thinkers.
I'm more than happy in my own little world, where those that matter don't mind, Thank you.
Up next time, the core value of Curiosity.
Thanks for reading.
Here's how to reach me if you're one of those that won't mind. And will matter.
Mob: (44) 07369251435
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