26 Nov Iron Man He Ain’t – Not Yet.
- Iron Man He Ain't - Not Yet.
Charming, funny and likable - but also insensitive, arrogant and rude.
Marvel Comic's Iron Man character is layered and complex. Just like the rest of Us.
There's so much to be learned from Marvel Comics Action Heroes and it's quite some character list:
Spiderman, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, Black Panther, Wolverine, Scarlet Witch and She-Hulk to name just a few.
Founded in 1939, in March 2023 it became a subsidiary of Disney Publishing Worldwide.
Stan Lee, in collaboration with artist Jack Binder, was the driving force for so many of those years as writer/editor.
"There's only two things I ever managed to believe in. Firstly, myself. And even then only about 50% of the time. Secondly, the future. That there would be one and we'd make it." - Tony Stark (Iron Man)
From comic books to block-buster movies, all over the world, the phenomena of Super-Hero's is undiminished.
Everybody loves a Super-Hero; good triumphing over evil.
And still - and still some estate agency trainers insist that "it's not about YOU, it's about the client. Make the client the Hero of the story."
That would go down well in Super-Hero folklore.
The mild-mannered homeowner that sits passively listening to a sales pitch - before LEAPING into action with never-before-asked questions such as "what's your fee? Come on, spit it out. Tell me your best fee."
One has to ask why - why would the agent avoid being the Hero? Why would they not want to protect and serve the homeowner from super-villains masquerading as "passionate, professional and perfected agents?"
You know - the one's that deliberately over-value. Those that reduce the fee just to stop competitors. Those that don't negotiate because it takes too long and they might lose. Those that tell only half the story.
The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell is about the journey, transformation of the Hero as obstacles are overcome and a triumphant return home. However, it's formulaic and out-dated - stifling creativity in true story-tellers.
The best salespeople are compelling storytellers. They can draw their audience in, keep their focus and guide them to the outcome. Anytime they tell a story, they're taking the listener on a journey - The Hero's Journey. But it's the estate agent, not the potential client, that is The Hero.
The Hero is the main focus of the story. The Hero is someone relatable that provides the audience with an opportunity to align with their character values. We know they are "award-winning", great at their job, yada, yada, yada - what we don't know is whether we could possibly know, like and trust them.
So, gaffing estate agents into making the potential client the Hero is blinkered. It hints at a faint aroma of manipulation and insincere flattery.
Get you cape on, estate agent, You're it.
Your super-power?
Villains hide behind the "mask" they all wear to overcome their fears.
Brand awareness, network, marketing experts - you name it. Everything but an insight into Who they are and what makes them tick.
Let's dig deeper with Iron Man.
He's Tony Stark, tech billionaire, by day and inventor of a suit of armour that gives him super-powers.
What's your super-power as a realtor/estate agent? The super-power that will make you bulletproof.
Read the link from March 2019 - somethings never change.
People are attracted to super-heroes for a number of reasons.
Escapism from our everyday lives. Inspiration to dream bigger, A representation of the very best of humanity.
Yes, to all of that but super-heroes are relatable role models. At their core, they are just like us with all the imperfections, anxiety and vulnerability.
An estate agent Super-Hero? Don't make me laugh.
Well, consider this:
He's a child prodigy.
He's CEO.
He has won lots of awards.
He doesn't care about people honouring him in any way except how he wants to be honoured.
He's a playboy.
He's unconcerned with the consequences of his actions.
He has lightning fast wit and no compunction about being impolite.
He plays verbal games with people and uses insults to keep them from getting too close, all the while trusting in his charisma to keep from alienating anyone too far.
He doesn't play by any rules but his own.
Love him or hate him, you can't deny Tony Stark is interesting. But love him we do when he dons the Iron Man armoured suit of invincibility.
I know this estate agent who isn't too dissimilar.
Sharp as a tack.
Has won lots of awards.
Very unconcerned with the consequences of his actions.
Zero compunction of being impolite.
Sartorial man-about-town who plays those verbal games with people.
Plays by his own rules.
Problem is he doesn't have a suit of armour and as a consequence, people either love him or hate him. The villains have a field day sharing his imperfections.
He's just another agent, hustling his worth.
Instead of what he could have been - a protector, a defender, a beacon of hope in an industry that is largely mistrusted.
That suit of armour called Transparency.
Here are his core values:
Love - when we value love, not only are we willing to sacrifice for others and support them through thick and thin, but we also realize there's nothing wrong with being vulnerable. It's the first thing we look for in others and the last thing we're willing to show in ourselves. Love is energy, health, joy, fulfilment, peace, connection and care.
Truth - the foundation of trust between people, truth is essential to our existence. Half-truth will not do.
Justice - the quality of being morally just is necessary for freedom, happiness and truth to exist. Impartiality and equal treatment for all.
Freedom - Freedom from constraints, Freedom to do what we want, Freedom to be who we choose. This guy is one of those Free spirits.
Strength. - Resilience in times of adversity. Courage of his convictions. Powerful Protector, Super-Hero material.
Now do you like him?
An agent that supports through thick and thin. Resilient in times of adversity. A certainty rather than a insincere confidence. A freedom from the restraints of big corporate agencies.
Isn't that what we seek in a realtor?
"Just because someone stumbles and loses their path doesn't mean they're lost forever."
Other agents I've met and worked with have different core values.
For one, kindness is a core value. For another, it's his faith and family. A few put ambition at the top.
There's no right or wrong choice - it's simply how they define themselves.
As opposed to being the ubiquitous Local Property Expert.
Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Batgirl, or Spiderman - find the Super-Hero values that you align with and shout them from the rooftops -
So that those that are looking for you, can find you.
Thanks, as always, for reading this far.
Here's how to reach me in the Bat Cave:
Mob: (44) 07369251435
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