16 Nov What Is Your Estate Agency For? Who Is It For?
"What is it for? Who is it for?"
Words from the ever erudite, Seth Godin.
A wake-up call for every business.
The answers given will determine how the business is run and, ultimately, whether it is a success.
It occurred to me, therefore, that this new venture, www.andsothestorybegan.co.uk might answer those same two questions.
What is it for?
It's very simple to say what it is that we do. Amplifying your Personal Brand as an estate agent.
Writing words and story that resonate, not with the most people, but with the right people.
On a deeper level, though, the intent is to facilitate change.
To change the perception homeowners have of this profession.
No small feat and one which will not be embraced by the majority.
In fact, by very few.
Many estate agents relish competition.
We win. You lose. Bring it on.
Often it's not the better agency that 'wins'.
In this battle to manipulate the mind of the homeowner.
Saying what the agent thinks the vendor wants to hear.
Instead of what the agent actually believes.
There's no denying it can work.
In the short-term.
But it's a race to the bottom and one that allows the online and hybrid business model to flourish.
" We're just the same as high-street agents, but cheaper."
"We achieve a higher average selling price, up to £4,000 more, than the high-street agents. And we're cheaper."
As Seth Godin says, "what if it's a race to the bottom and we win. Or worse, come second?"
The damage, though, isn't so much to the profitability of the agencies.
It's damage to their reputation.
Further strengthening the public perception that estate agency is simply a commodity.
The PurpleBricks and Emoov's of this world will thank you if you continue down this road.
Commodity work is grist to their mill.
In the minds of the homeowner, your agency isn't better.
Because you can't prove it is.
You can only claim that it is.
And all the irrelevant stats and facts will only go so far in this manipulation.
The change that we seek to facilitate, therefore, is not in what you do as estate agents.
Not even in how you do it.
The change we seek to facilitate is to get homeowners seeing you as something other than an estate agent.
If the only identity you ever have is as an estate agent, it's uncomfortable to imagine being anything else.
You've attached this label (estate agent) to yourself.
And homeowners aren't impressed.
So the obvious solution may be to create an additional identity.
Much like Bob Dylan.
Singer- Songwriter- Poet.
And now, Artist.
His Mondo Scripto collection of sketches, teamed with lyrics from his most famous hits, is the culmination of 10 years producing visual art.
Estate agent, then, is what you are.
Your Personal Brand is who you are.
And that's so much more interesting.
A philanthropist?
A parent?
An athlete?
A mentor?
A Hindu, Buddhist, or Islamist?
One who nurtures and supports?
One who inspires and motivates?
One with dreams to fulfill?
A father, Mother, Wife or Husband?
The possibilities are endless.
And the more you share your story, your beliefs and values, the more affinity you create with those like-minded homeowners.
The more you become a personality within your community.
Instead of the local estate agent.
That's what it's for.
Who's it for, then?
Probably not for you.
Not for those in the middle.
Not for those happy to maintain the status-quo.
It's for the early-adopters and those on the edge.
Those seeking to be different rather than better.
Because being different makes you stand out.
Then you don't have to compete.
Nobody said it was easy, though.
There's no automation, or quick fix.
No instant gratification.
It's soul-bearing honesty and you will deter those that don't agree with what you have to say.
And those seeking commodity service.
You will, though, end up with better clients.
Clients that share your values. Clients that love what you have to say.
Clients that trust you and above all, clients that are loyal.
You won't have to annoy them with unsolicited phone calls.
No door-to-door knocking.
No leaflet drops.
Because your message is anticipated.
The early adopters are those on the edge.
Confident in their worth, with no need for pretence.
No need for perfection. This is who I am.
They are just a little dissatisfied with the game being played.
And the purgatory of endless comparison.
That's my answer.
For the very, very few that don't want to be labelled.
"Estate Agent".
My role, then, isn't to make you better. It's to get homeowners to like you.
For who you are. Not for what you do.
Thanks, as always, for reading.
Time will tell if the people looking for me, do find me.
But here I am. Waiting for the specific estate agent.
That wants to stand out. I hope we can be friends.
If you'd like more information, check out the web site on www.andsothestorybegan.co.uk
Mob: 07875 141436
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