18 Dec The Reason Behind The Reason.
The Reason Behind The Reason.
"I lost the listing to my competitor deliberately over-valuing the property."
"I lost mine because the other agency went with a ridiculously low fee - they wanted to go with me, but only if I matched the other fee."
"It was safer, they said, to go with the more recognisable agency brand."
The reason given to agencies when a potential client is the bearer of bad news - the agency didn't get the instruction.
Tell yourself whatever you want but the reason behind the reason is simple - let's not hesitate.
They didn't like you enough to trust what you had to say.
Or trust you enough to give you the benefit of the doubt.
You and your agency didn't stand out - for all the wrong reasons.
There's plenty of estate agencies that will tell you how "trusted" they are. Because a client apparently told them so!
But, leaving aside fake reviews on social media for the moment, any review is subjective.
When push comes to shove, we don't trust someone simply because someone else apparently did.
We either take a chance on them, or we might even respect them, but trust isn't in place.
TRUST def: a considered choice to feel safe when vulnerable.
It's the bedrock of human relationships.
Allowing us to move closer to someone, or further away if there is no trust.
Vulnerable is what every homeowner feels when the time comes for them to instruct an agency.
Because they don't know what they are doing and as Warren Buffet has said:
" Risk comes when you don't know what you are doing."
There's no homeowner that goes into the process without apprehension - they've heard the stories about manipulative agencies and of vendors only being told what the agent wants them to know.
And because the perception of this industry is that it is a commodity, that all agencies are pretty much the same, by association even the good agents are implicated with the very worst transgressions of their peers.
We trust people when there is transparency - with nothing to hide and when there is affinity with who they are and what they value.
Let's be honest, estate agency isn't transparent. Not for one minute.
Even the very best agents don't share their personal brand values. They're too wrapped up in persuading a potential client of their competence. If they do share private details, it's often hobbies and family that feature - not values & beliefs. Anything else might cause rejection.
It's possible that I could find affinity with someone that plays golf and has a wife and three amazing kids, but trusting them requires a deeper dive.
Does integrity matter to them? Why?
Is Kindness a part of their life, or are they simply charming to people?
Are they people-pleasers, or candid?
Are they curious to learn about others? Or only when they need something from them?
If I search their social media content, will they be consistent in their thought and word?
It is by these and similar choices that they define themselves. There's no right or wrong. Only transparency.
This is Who I am and this is my unusual story.
Then we know.
Then we can choose - because they have gone first with being vulnerable. With the possibility of rejection.
It very rarely happens, though and, because of that, the real estate profession ranks consistently bottom-three on The Veracity Index of Trusted Professions.
There's little in the way of real, honest, dialogue. It remains a straightforward arms-length transaction.
Between an apprehensive vendor and a "charming, polite, polished and perfected" estate agent, stating & proving their worth.
A transaction that when complete, often results in "We will get back to you."
And when they do, it's often a No.
The agency, of course, wants to know why and because there's no trust, they get the reason.
Not the reason behind the reason.
"We really liked what you had to say, but..."
There's always a "but preceding rejection.
So what's the answer?
The answer is to be transparent in Who you are and what you value.
Personal Brand, done well, will do that for you.
Not the micro-celebrity of social media, chasing likes and followers.
Instead the Personal Brand that shines a light on your authenticity. The bad as well as the good things. Life's like that.
Tell the story that only you can tell. Attract people rather than begging them to be a client.
When you attract, you get attention and engagement. As they get to know enough about you, you become indispensable.
No other agency will do.
There's no longer a reason behind the reason.
Simply the reason, they instruct your agency.
It's trusted.
If you're still intent on hustling your worth, justifying your argument and overcoming objections, I don't know what else to tell you.
It's not me, it's you.
Thanks as always for reading.
Here's how to reach me if you can bear the candour:
Mob: (44) 07369251435
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